CH Pinecliff Baron Brasstown Bald  "Baron"

Clumber Spaniel: CH Pinecliff Baron Brasstown Bald

PDH "Clear"

Baron is our first born and is the apple of Daddy's eye.
Clumber Spaniel: Baron helping daddy drive
Helping daddy drive
Clumber Spaniel: Barron winning a major He finished his championship long before his second birthday.
He is enjoying chasing birds and swimming in our ponds. He is our Woo-Woo Boy. Clumber Spaniel Baron admiring himself 


We are proud to announce that Baron is a Papa. His first litter arrived on February 13, 2008. Click here to see them at 18 weeks of age.

On January 31, 2009, Baron's daughter, Wunders Foxy Lady at Pinecliff aka "Foxy" finished her Champion title at 11 months of age.

On March 14, 2010, Baron's daughter, Wunders Twice Kissed aka "Twila" finished her Champion title at 13 months of age.

Baron is a Papa again... We did a repeat breeding with Baron and Lexie. On March 26, 2009, Lexie delivered 4 boys and 1 girl.

With shock and broken hearts, Steve and I would share with all our family and friends that our beautiful boy, Baron, passed away suddenly on December 18, 2014. He had not been ill or showing any signs of slowing down, however, we found him beside our bed, his nightly sleeping spot, unresponsive just prior to his dinner. He was still warm and just looked as though he went to bed early. He will be deeply missed. He will forever be in our hearts!

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Gail & Steve Sikes • 10110 Loving Road • Morganton, GA 30560
(706) 374-2861 •
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